Terms & Conditions

TERMS AND CONDITIONS - By booking with us you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions


Our policy is to ensure all children are safe.

All our staff have enhanced DBS checks.

We have procedures for recording the details of visitors to Wild Wanderers and take steps to ensure that that no unauthorised person has unsupervised access to the children.

In the event of a situation arising, where we feel that a child may be suffering from neglect, physical, sexual or emotional abuse, at all times the child's wellbeing and safety is of paramount importance.

If a disclosure is made, we will contact Social Services, the Police or MASH as we have an obligation to protect the child.


Wild Wanderers values the importance of play and that it is essential for physical and emotional growth, for mental, intellectual and educational development, and for acquiring social and behavioural skills.

Wild Wanderers staff have experience in managing additional learning and social needs.

We welcome children with special needs and consult with all carers to make any changes or adaptations to our sessions to meet children’s specific needs.

We have a zero-tolerance approach to discrimination and ensure that children access a safe and secure learning environment.

We accept children with special educational or behavioural needs entirely at our discretion therefore acceptance of a child to a Wild Wanderers session will be individually based on the ability of Wild Wanderers staff to safely support the well-being and needs of the child.

If it is deemed that in order to support a child, extra adult support is required, there may be an additional cost.



We build our day’s activities around the interests and aptitudes of the participating children, as far as it is practicable to do so.

Activities on offer each day will be dictated by the weather, the policies and requirements of our site. 

Accordingly, any list of activities, whether on advertising, our website, or anywhere else, is indicative of the sorts of activities we may get up to. It is not exhaustive, and does not constitute a guarantee that any of the listed activities will take place on a specific day or site.



Children who are currently attending Reception - Yr6 may attend Wild Wanderers.

It is your responsibility to give us your child’s correct age during the booking process.

If we accept a child and subsequently discover that they are under age for Wild Wanderers they are attending we will cancel their place immediately, or (if they are already in attendance with us) require you to collect them at once. You will not be entitled to a refund under these circumstances.


Registration runs between 8:55am and 9:05am. Please ensure that you arrive for the main session between these times.

The drop off and collection point is just inside the farm gate. Please be mindful of children when arriving and departing.

The registration period lasts for 10 minutes (as stated above). Children arriving after the close of registration may not be admitted to the session, at the discretion of Wild Wanderers.

If you are running late it is your responsibility to let us know by telephoning Emma or Elaine before the end of the registration period. We will always try to wait for latecomers if they inform us they will be late before the end of registration.

No adults may accompany children on our site without prior arrangement with us. We require a current enhanced DBS check before allowing adults to accompany Wild Wanderers sessions, and this is at our discretion.

If someone else will be signing your children out at the end of the day it is your responsibility to tell Emma or Elaine at registration so that (s)he can make a note and inform the person collecting that they must sign the children out.

Please tell us if you will be late picking up your child. If you are more than 15 minutes late in collecting your child, without having agreed this with us previously, we will call the emergency contact details you have provided to find out the cause for the delay, and how long it is likely to last. We’ll do our best to contact you and always leave a message if we can.

Please note, that if you are more than 15 minutes late to pick up you will be charged an additional £6 for every half hour, or part thereof.


We encourage positive, responsible behaviour. In the event that your child behaves in a way that they are putting themselves in danger or others at risk of injury, we will ask you to collect them at the drop off area. 

If this happens, you will not be offered a refund. We also reserve the right to withdraw your child from any future bookings without refund.



Payment guarantees your booking. If you haven’t paid or if you don’t receive an email confirming the booking, your child has not been allocated a place.


Having the right clothes and shoes can make the difference between your child having a great time and being miserable. It’s up to you to make sure they come properly equipped, so please follow these guidelines.

· Outdoor shoes – walking boots or wellingtons

· Additional socks

· A coat – waterproof

· A jumper or fleece

· A long-sleeved t-shirt (even if it is warm)

· Trousers

· Waterproof over-trousers if possible

· An extra layer of clothing depending on the weather

· Please apply suncream before school if sunny and send in a named bottle

Please note that Wild Wanderers accept no liability for dirty or torn clothing. All clothing should be clearly marked with your child’s name.

For their own protection, we reserve the right to refuse entry to any child who is improperly dressed. Sorry, no refund if you send them in inappropriate clothes.

We will try to repatriate lost property at the end of every session. However, it is your (and your child’s) responsibility to ensure that they leave with everything they turned up with. If you do find that something has been left behind then please let us know by calling either Emma or Elaine and we will do our best to find it and get it back to you.

Needless to say, it’s a lot easier for us to identify and return lost property if you have written your child’s name in it. We don’t offer replacements or compensation for lost items.


Our handling of all information provided to us during booking will comply with the relevant data protection legislation.

We will not sell or disclose your personal details to any other agencies.

We will not contact you other than about other Wild Wanderers activities.

We are registered with (ICO) Information Commissioners Office and can share a copy of the valid certificate if required.



We expect you to provide your child with lunch and drinks for the day. We will provide a snack and drinking water is available for the duration on the session. 

Please bear in mind that your children will be outside all day, and active for a good part of that day, and please pack their lunchboxes accordingly. Being hungry or thirsty in the woods is even less fun than being cold.

Please note that all products MUST be nut free as we do have children attending Wild Wanderers who are allergic to nuts


Please ensure that your child is well enough to attend sessions. In particular if your child has a raised temperature or cough (or any other COVID-19 symptoms), or has suffered from vomiting or diarrhoea within 48 hours then please tell us and remove your child from the day. 

You can let us know about an ill child by calling Emma (07753613093) or Elaine (07976640266) and either speaking to someone or leaving a voicemail. If you call before 8 am or call and we do not answer please leave a voicemail, as these are date and time-stamped. If your child becomes ill with any of these symptoms during a session we’ll contact you and we’ll expect you to make arrangements to take them home.

In the event that a member of staff falls ill we will inform you before 8am to cancel the session. In this instance a full refund will be given.



Please don’t send children with pocket, pen or sheath knives, as they pose a risk to the whole group. Knives will be confiscated by Wild Wanderers staff and returned to parents on pick up.


We hold a current first aid certificate, specialising in outdoor first aid. However, it is up to you to ensure that we have your child’s current medical information at the beginning of the session, and that they also have any medication (i.e. epipens and inhalers) with your child’s, name, medication and time of last dose/incident written clearly on the outside.

You are also responsible for telling us of any behavioural issues your child may have (for example whether they have a Statement of Educational Needs, or have been diagnosed with behaviour on the autistic spectrum)

Any information you give us will be treated in strict confidence, and will not prejudice the inclusion of your child in any activity. It is in the interests of your child that you give us full and accurate information. However, if we feel that our staff will not be able to keep your child or the group safe on site with the behavioural issues that you describe then we reserve the right to decline the booking.

If your child requires medication (for example, an asthma inhaler or an epipen) then it is your responsibility to ensure that these are handed to a member of Wild Wanderers staff when your child arrives and that we are aware of it. In the case of epipens, you must provide TWO epipens.

We will refuse to accept children requiring medication who do not have adequate supplies of their medicine with them. You will not get a refund in these circumstances. If you have given us medication for your children it is your responsibility to make sure that it is returned to you at the end of the day.


We do not allow children to have mobile phones during our sessions unless this has been agreed in advance by parents with us (see below under PHOTOGRAPHS). If your child brings a phone without permission then Wild Wanderers staff will keep it safe and return it to you at the end of the session.


With your permission, photographs and video footage may be taken of the children during activities, for use solely by Wild Wanderers for promotional purposes, i.e. use on websites/leaflets/press releases etc.

When images are used for promotional purposes, only the image will be used, and no personal information will be issued.

We do not allow children to take photographs on site. Please do not send your child with a camera or a camera phone.



We do not store bank details nor do we share customer details with any 3rd parties.


Please consider your booking carefully as we are unable to offer refunds should you change your mind.

If we cancel an event a full refund will be offered or we will discuss the availability for another day.

If you wish to move your booking to another date you must give us at least 7 days’ notice; rescheduling dates at shorter notice than 7 days is entirely at our discretion. Booked sessions that have been rescheduled do not qualify for a refund if cancelled.

Refunds of cancelled days will always be made to the original purchasing individual and by the original purchasing mechanism: i.e Bank Transfer


We believe that everyone who works for Wild Wanderers has the right to be treated with respect, and to work free from fear of intimidation or harm. We will not tolerate physical or verbal abuse towards any member of the team for any reason. We reserve the right to cancel bookings without notice or refund if we feel that our staff have been subject to abuse from parents or children.



Sessions will not run if the Met Office weather forecast shows a predicted wind speed (gust or continual speed) of 42mph or above for any part of the day, if a site closes because of weather-related safety issues, or if lightning is predicted.

We are able to offer the Barn and Pollytunnel as alternatives to our site should the weather be deemed as dangerous to be out in the open.